Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is my purpose in life?

I was recently asked by one of my avid readers to write a post about why I, one of the most important people on the planet, writes this blog. Well, dear reader, I began this as an assignment. Simple as that. "Hey," I hear you saying," Thats not a very good purpose, thats just why you started not why you write those amazing posts." Well I just thought I'd tell you, no reason to get so snippy with me.

The reason I write about some of the most random topics is pretty simple. Writing about something like music, or television would be very easy. I could listen to the music I always listen to and pick out three songs a week to write about. But how boring would that be? Nobody would want to read it, and it would be a waste of my time. Time is money, money is time, wasting either is bad. So what I do is write about anything I can think of. I think this shows itself to be pretty apparent. Wait, I hear someone piping up in the back. You think thats an even bigger waste of time, do you, you little short fat person? Well here's what I think. I think that my blog is funny. I mean, I'm practically talking to myself. If I someone talking to themselves on the street I might stop and listen, it would be funny, wouldn't it? So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I write about any old topic just to entertain. I know of at least one person that reads my blog regularly and for fun, and that is enough for me. If my writing can entertain, if me mumbling through life about any old thing can be funny, I might as well keep it up. And so I will, at least until the end of the year. After that, no guarantees can be made. After all, I am one of the most important people in the world and my time is like gold. Thanks for reading, you know who I'm talking to when I mention the one reader. You're a trooper!

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