Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Crazy Milkman Continued

Okay so pretty much the entire previous post was a quote from this guy, named Robert Cohen. It quite obviously demonstrates his hatred for milk and butter et cetera. Anyone with even a bit of biology smarts can see through some of the things he is saying. In my opinion, one of the greatest loves he ever had was stolen by a cowboy, and now he's trying to get revenge. I mean seriously, he's saying all this stuff that just makes no sense at all and is backed up by one person only. Himself.

Shall I list some of these things for you? I think I shall!
  • "Milk causes cancer, and milk is the only food proven to help breast cancer grow." Really now? Do we believe this? I don't, I suppose it could have been "proven" by his research. He is probably the only person whose research proves thus, I think that the FDA or the ADA or CFY or some other administration would have noticed something as major as this and said something by now? What's his claim for the reason we haven't heard anything? Lobbyists. Yeah. Apparently there are milk lobbyists that are messing with the FDA. Sounds real plausible. Real. Real. Plausible.
  • "Milk is chock full of horrible viruses and bacteria" Okay, he's saying there are some super bad types of tuberculosis bacteria in milk. And "leukemia causing" bacteria. I think that more people would actually have leukemia if this were true. And people would be getting tuberculosis from milk would they not? I tell you, this is just the beginning.
  • "Milk is liquid meat" My first red flag is that meat is, well, red. Milk is white. Doesn't look like blended meat to me. I know, I know, I'm being too literal. Get over it. Milk is a body fluid designed to provide fat, protein, and nutrients to young cows. Muscle (meat) is found in most multi cellular organisms and is for moving. They don't have the same purpose, and obviously will not have the same ingredients. Though milk does have a decent amount of protein, it only has one eighth of the protein that is in meat. I'm sensing the fishiness levels rising. Its definitely starting to smell vaguely like the ocean around here.
  • "Milk causes puberty to begin earlier" Let me get my immaturity out real quick. If puberty is beginning oh so early here ( he states it starts earliest in the united states) why do we still have high school seniors sounding like fifth graders? You tell me, must be some rare form of maturity caused by a gene mutation stemming from drinking milk. Sounds like something this Cohen guy would say.

Okay so this post is getting a bit lengthy and I still have a lot to say, so I'm going to sign off and I'll talk to you again sometime in the near future, if you're really lucky maybe even tonight! (As if anybody is actually waiting at the edge of their seats to read this).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see your points, but then look at all these people who are vegan and have longer, healthier, lives. And why is America, obese America?I have not drank COW milk since I found out about the whole MILK PROCESS, and not because of Robert Cohen, but because of PETA. I have to see it and feel it for myself though. I know you probably don't care because you must not care about animals, I guess we all have our minds and reasons. You have to at least admit that it's not nice to have PUS AND BLOOD in your milk though, right? :/