So today I went to Chicago. I've been to Chicago before but I was like six and all I remember is going to the -gag- American Girl Doll factory thing or whatever the heck it is. Badd memories. Oh and we tried to go to the Rainforest Cafe but it was like a 4 day wait if you wanted to eat, and we only had one day so we left. And probably got McDonalds or something super lame like that. But I'm in fact not writing about when I went there as un enano. So let's get on topic, shall we?
We went on a school trip and it cost like 80 dollars or something, which was a bit pricey, but when you have parents to pay for such things. It was worth it too. Well, worth my parents' money. But I bet if I had paid for it I would think it was worth it. It was a good time. If you're friends with me on facebook then you should look at the album. It isn't my album but I'm in it. So have a looksie.

The bus ride up there was the typical charter bus ride. We left at 5:45, which is really not a beautiful time to be awake. I prefer being asleep at that time personally. I rode with Embroz, who now follows my blog, so you can go read his and then he will love you. My friend, Kro, brought Ben And Jerry's Cinnamon Bun ice cream. We all figured, if it is cinnamon roll flavored then it surely must be breakfast food. So she brought it, and spoons, and shared. It was quite possibly the best ice cream I've ever had, and now Ben and Jerry are both my best friends. Forever. Biffles. That's us.

See this girl here? She isn't eating just Ben And Jerry's, but she has the right idea. Look at how happy she is. Isn't it cute? Sure it is. And that's basically how all of us looked while we ate it. Not the messy part though, just the way too happy. Sugar filled amazing ice cream at six in the morning. It was delicious. And fabulous. And exciting. And any other adjective that is good and such. For the rest of the ride me and Embroz pretty much just watched a movie. I think. I don't really remember all of the bus ride up there.
Then we arrived at our destination, the Art Institute of Chicago. It was alright, and pretty much not the reason I wanted to go. It was halfway the point of the whole trip because we had been studying spanish art. But all the good stuff is in The Prado in Madrid, Espana. So it was kind of a lot of not-so-famous works of art from Spanish people. It was okay. ( I saw this painting though)

Then at around noon the real fun stuff happened. We got to go to Cafe Iberico. It was amazing. The weird part is that like 4 out of 12 tapas that we got weren't even very good. A few were downright icky. Yeah, that's right, icky. One was this brushetta stuff and it would have been good except for the pancetta. Pancetta is like bacon without the smoky flavor. The piece of pancetta that I got was actually more like a chewy piece of fat. So it was really gross and I didn't eat it. There was also this bread stuff with some kind of vegetables on it, and that was probably my least favorite. The had some really good stuff, too. Like las croquetas, those were amazing. It was fried something or other kind of like a mozzarella stick except without the mozzarella, it was chicken and ham and some other type of cheese and some doughy stuff. And it was fried. And delicious. I also tried some octopus. It was prepared in this weirdest manner ever. It was like skillet fried with potatoes. So it was french fries and octopus. And you could see all the little suckers and it was gross and depressing. Gross because I'm not used to eating octopus suckers, and depressing because octopi are like the coolest animals ever. I wish I could change color like that. That would be amazing. But right now I'm just really bored of typing so I'll continue this post sometime later.
Back! So I think the octopus may have been the last thing that we ate as part of the included meal, which cost 30 freaking bucks. Ridiculous. But I think it was worth it. Except, their chocolate milk was not up to par. It was watery and weird tasting but whatever. I just drank Oliver Jorge's coke or whatever it was she had.
Then for dessert me and Oliver split a strawberry crepe. I've had crepes before but this wasn't like them at all. The ones I've had were all relatively little and filled with cream or something fluffy like that. This crepe was basically the size of a house and filled with really good vanilla ice cream. I bet the ice cream was made right there in the Cafe. And it was delicious. It was also covered in some strawberries.
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