Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

This is not relevant to my supposed topic but who cares? I don't care. It is my birthday and I'm excited. It isn't even that great of a birthday, 17, but it is good in one way. I get my big-kid license (what is it called? Permanent? Intermediate? I don't even know). This means that I can speed as much as I want with the only punishment being a ticket and a fine. No loss of license or probation or whatever it is they do to people that are 16 for speeding these days. Which is totally fitting because Embroz was definitely almost tailgating me today as I drove to school because he thought I was going too slow. Well too bad because it would be completely ironic and totally depressing to lose my not-so-big-kid license today, the day I can get a big kid license. So I made sure I didn't go more than 3 over the limit, just to be safe. And it was totally justified in my mind, not only because it is the law, but because I was warned recently that cops have been very active around my school because whiney babies that live around there have been complaining about speeders. My friends friend got pulled over and got a ticket for going 2 over. That is ridiculous.

This all reminds me of this one time, about a month and a half or two months after I got my first license. I was driving myself back to my house from a camping trip at Strawberry Point when I got a phone call. I had just learned how to use my cruise control (I had always thought it was broken or nonexistent so I'd never used it). I was cruising along at pretty much exactly the speed limit just to be safe. While I was on the phone I was inadvertently resting my foot on the gas pedal. I wasn't overly worried because I figured cruise control stopped you from speeding up no matter what you did. Wrong. You can speed it up with the gas pedal. Since I thought I knew that the speed wouldn't change I wasn't bothering to look at my speedometer, especially since I was on the phone. I happened to look down after a while and noticed that I was going about 90 miles an hour. The speed limit was 55. I didn't even know my car could go that fast! It is a piece of crap that can barely make it up steep hills and accellerates very slowly. Apparently my car is the little engine that could or whatever. It may huff and puff to make it up a big hill but when its straight and flat, it can really go.

And guess what! I have swine flu! No just kidding I don't. But i definitely have all of the symptoms except for the fever. So maybe I have the regular flu. But I JUST freaking had the flu like a month ago and my cough never fully went away and now here I am coughing and dying all over again. And I hate it. A lot. And I'm not even blabbering about anything important anymore so I guess it is time to put this little post out into the real world and let it fight for its life.

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