Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hanna Floofenplogger

I have this neighbor. Me and my neighbor are friends. But on one thing we do not get along. She likes Bush. I sit here and think to myself, Bush was so dumb, he did practically nothing good. People in other countries think we're stupid, all of us, because of Bush. But Hanna likes him. Want to know why she likes him? Because her parents did. Her parents are generally smart people, so it comes as a surprise that they would think that he is smart. Nobody thinks he's smart unless they are in denial. He was alright through 9/11 but after that he just had fail after epic fail. He also cannot properly speak the english language. It is pathetic. One would expect the president of an english speaking country would be able to speak english, but apparently that was too much. And then he got reelected. But anyway, I try to avoid politics because there will always be stupid people thinking stupid things and believing in other people and their stupid things. So whatever.

But while I play xbox I tend to look for anyone, and befriend anyone, with a cool accent. Half of them are probably creepers, but it is okay, because they talk real sexy like. I have briefly mentioned the Irish people I've been playing with recently, and I played with them again some yesterday. There's this one named KGHAV and he's pretty cool. He has an Irish accent too, and he lives in Ireland. In case you couldn't figure that one out. I was discussing a few things with him. One of them was accents. I have asked people this before, but one of them was British and therefore stuck up (that actually is a pretty decent stereotype from what I've seen online anyway). He told me that people were just like "Oh, another stupid American, cool." I assumed this was because of Bush, but he might have just been acting stuck up. He is only like 14 or something. I call him Charlie because of this video.

His real name is like Marcus or something, but Charlie is wayyyy cooler. But that is again off topic. I asked gav ( I think that is his name, thats what his thing said anyway) what he thought. He was just like "ohh, I dunno" in fancy cool Irish accent. I then told him what Charlie had said and he was like "ohhh noo" laddy. I added the laddy because that is what Irish people are supposed to say. But it made me sad because I wish that people thought American accents were cool. Everyone thinks Irish, Scottish, and Britainish accents are cool, why not ours? Maybe because people over there watch the same shows as us like South Park and whatnot so they have become desensitized. I think that is the only possible explanation. It must be. But I'm sick of typing now so I'm going to leave, and you can just sit here and browse my other posts that I'm sure you haven't read, because you don't exist. Once again I tell you, you don't exist. Okay bye. Have fun, my imaginary friends.

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