Goodness me, I should really find something to blog about other than purple carrots, but they are just so interesting that I can't help myself. Not really, but they are quite easy to blog about. I recently told you about how I found a bottle of purple carrot juice in my store, well just in case you didn't believe me, here it is.
Yes, this is the exact same bottle as the one we sell in our store, full of vitamins minerals and other such fantastically healthy things. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this was some other Hy-Vee, see that vegetable tray in the background? Looks suspiciously like the "Very-Veggie Tray" that we just started selling. They have snow peas, carrots, peppers, and tomatoes in them. And more but I can't and don't want to remember. I hate vegetables. They make your hands cold when you put them in little containers. I think that it is their way of striking back at humanity, killing one hand cell at a time. Vicious little things. This is why drinking this purple carrot fruit drink thing is good. Get back at the evil mutant vegetables! By the way, all Bolthouse Farms bottles of juice like the one shown cost $2.99. What a low, low price.
Oh man that reminds me. We have people talk over in store intercom about random things. They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. I personally laugh every time the speaker messes up and has to start a word over. Muahahaha, shows them who's boss for ruining my quiet time. There I am sitting in my refridgerator of a back room, peacefully chopping up vegetables and whatnot, and bam. The intercom starts blaring about the low, low prices and wonderful fantastic beautiful deals. Too bad everything at Hy-Vee is overpriced. The salad bar isn't, though. Feel free to come and just eat salad. It's really quite delicious. My favorite thing in there, other than the Oreo Fluff, is the chicken. Its amazing. Uh. Mayzing. Can't get enough. Sometimes there are annoying little icky bits in them but hey, you can't have everything you whiner. Get over it.
K thanks for reading :)
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