Monday, March 30, 2009

Your Wait Is Up

So. You've been dying to know what he was proud to have recieved. Well your wait is over. He was proud to have received an 'F' on his most recent assignment. As I was sitting there studying every whorl and miniscule intricacy of my fingernail I almost laughed. I was like. Mmmm hem hem huh... wha? But of course this exciting and highly eloquent dialogue was only carried out in my head because I wasn't going to talk to members of the Tucson Chapter of the American Dirty Club. I am obviously above such trivial blabbering. Obviously people. Anyway. I was sitting there quite surprised. To me, an F is not a good thing. In fact, this fellow must have been incredibly stupid because it is not possible to get worse than an F. You can do no work and still manage to scrape by with a F. Its really not hard. So I was a bit intrigued. More interesting than my fingernail, quite possibly. I have a little bit to tell you about Mr. Dirty.

You know the movie Grease? Annoying movie. It is alright, but it's annoying. You know that one weird guy in the movie (as if that isn't half of the people). He is the guy that in the one car race drives the bad guy car. The gray car with the flames on the side and the neat little things that you can make pop out of the wheels to attack other cars. That guy. I don't know his name and it surely isn't important, but Mr. Dirty from the hot tub sure looked a lot like him. They might be twins. Creepy.

Anyway, me and Muj ended up leaving after just a short warm-up time because, no matter what I have said, I was not very interested in my thumb nail. It really got old pretty fast. So we left but instead of trying off and putting some clothes back on, as is usual, we just picked them up and left. The sooner we were gone the better. So then we walked a short distance and then set all our stuff down and started getting fully clothed. I thought that Muj had chosen a stupid spot that was much too close to the pool, but the clothing was already on the ground so it was too late. As I was standing there drying off and whatnot I glanced over at where the pool is and, to my great consternation, discovered that they could actually see us still. How awkward. There we were thinking we were all smart but instead we looked like fools. Hmph. Cabrito doesn't enjoy looking like a fool.
The end.

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