Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stranger Than Fiction

So there is this movie called Stranger Than Fiction, and it is real good like. I watched it on Sunday because I didn't have to work until three. Not working until three was maybe the best thing that has ever happened to me. It was amazing. But, alas, this is not the point. The point is that one of the main characters in the movie had writers block. It was so bad that she didn't kill off her main character in ten years. She sat there smoking and trying to figure out how to murder him in her book. It was kind of pathetic and then she sat in the rain and smoked and she looked like a hobo and it was lame. But this is also not the point. The point is her writers block. It was sad. And her publishers thought that she was a failure and they sent her some assistant who in eleven years had helped 20 different writers finish 35 different books. Or something like that. Basically, she was a book finishing ninja and should be worshipped. And it was Queen Latifah and she is really funny and I like her. She was in Bringing Down The House which was another real good movie. That I also loved. She helped whatsername finish her book and it was all wonderful and writers block was over hooray yippee! Unfortunately for me, Queen Latifah is not here to help me write blog posts. I bet she would be good at it. Do you think I should call her up and ask her to? I'd probably be shot or something. Sad story. Oh weird little thing that I noticed. When I was looking around for a picture to put for Bringing Down The House I noticed this website that was like : If there were anyone in the world I could kill it would be Queen Latifah. I was like, excuse me? She happens to be a really funny actress. And she's cool. So no. You're a freak. I even left them an anonymous comment that told them they needed psychiatric help. I may have called them a freak but I really can't remember. Probably did, it's something I would do. K.

This marks the end of the first blog post in way too long. Thank you for pretending to yourself that it would be good, I appreciate the thought.

1 comment:

oliver jorge said...

blah blah blah i just wanted to leave a comment because i feel like not doing any work.