Tuesday, February 3, 2009

You, My Friend, Are a Potato

Yes, you are. You are an amazing potato, and of you I am proud. Yeah. Potatoes are good, and you are a good potatoe. This means that you are double good. Really amazing in fact.

Why am I talking about potatoes, you ask? Because someone told me to. Because I couldn't think of anything else to write about. So potatoes it is.

Potatoes are really good, as well as a versatile food. You can make them into all sorts of things like matchstick fries, curly fries, normal french fries, thick cut fries, tater tots, steak fries, potato patties, latkes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, hash browns. I mean really, what kind of food has that many applications? Not many.

Last night I had Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes. Have you ever heard of Salisbury steak? Probably not. It is like Mum's Chopped Steak from the Outback but I doubt you've had that either. Well I guess I'll just have to describe it for you, shall I? You take some ground beef and mix in spices like thyme and other spicey spices. Once it is all good and mixed in you make it into patties and chuck them in a skillet with some chopped onions. You're supposed to put in mushrooms as well but we didn't have any. So we didn't put any in. So there. Once they are all cooked up and yummy you pour in a jar of beef gravy and kapow. You have an excellent dinner almost ready. The final step is putting on of the steaks on some mashed potatoes and pouring gravy on top. It is really really good. And I love it, just as I love people who read my blog. So there you have it, the lowdown on potatoes. I'm thinking you should make this some time and then comment on my blog about how good it was. I need some encouragement.

You know what, I forgot one of the best parts of potatoes! Potato chips! I like dipping them in ketchup because then they are like fries except not, because they are better for you. Did you know that you can get blue potatoe chips? Because you can. I bet they have them at Target. Target is the best store ever. As opposed to Walmart, which is the absolute worst store ever. In the history of bad stores, Walmart takes the cake. But anyway, I have to go blog about something else now. I hope you were eating potato chips while you read this, that would be cool.

And this post officially sucked. Too bad!

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