Friday, January 9, 2009

Hey guess what, I've done some more milk research.

Okay so this was just funny and my last post was getting a bit long, so I decided to just creat a whole new one and continue on.
  • "There is a milk tax, do you know what they do with it?" I was expecting something horrible or tragic. Like murdering small children in africa or something. Well... it is much less dramatic than our milk-hating friend would let us think. They pay important people to advertise milk! OH MY GOD! I know, my heart almost exploded with the absolute unfairness of it. How dare a business (I use the term loosely) use their tax revenue on advertising. Its despicable. Its horrible. I can hardly hold my disgust inside. NOT. This guy is seriously screwed up. What does he care if people use their 5 million or so a year to pay for advertising and to paint the upper lip of important people white. It gets worse. He goes on to whine that they used a black person in their advertising. Racist much? He tries to cover up is blunder by saying that ninety percent of african americans are lactose intolerant. I've never met one. I do realise that the problem is abnormally high in pretty much all peoples that aren't of European decent, but seriously, why mention the black guy on the poster. And its 80% anyway, not 95. That 15% percent of people can make quite a large difference. Idiot.

Okay next I will display a short list. This list comes from the homepage. It is a list of things that so-called scientists have shown to be caused by milk. Lets take a look and see if we really believe him.

  • Arthritis
  • Acid Blood (Wouldn't we be dying??!?!? The human body needs a very specific blood acidity to keep working, and despite my large dairy product intake I seem to still be breathing)
  • Acne
  • Addiction (What??? Addiction? This guy is insane.)
  • Alzheimers
  • Anemia
  • Attention Deficit
  • Bedwetting
  • Bone Disease
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Breast cancer
  • Colic
  • Common Cold (I know and you know that this is caused by a virus. Robert Cohen thinks that milk proteins cause it. Go figure.)
  • Congestion
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Death
  • Depression
  • Ear Infections
  • Early Maturity

The list goes on and on. And on. And on. Feel free to take a look at, its their entire homepage. They even have links with fun suggestions like "give your carolers soymilk" or (and this one pertains to a researcher) "the dairy man is a whore/liar." The creators of notmilk seem a little miffed that somebody would go so far as to present real research to the public and let it get written in the paper. Robert Cohen really needs a life.

And so do I, which is why that is where I'm leaving the milk topic. Hopefully for a long time, but maybe if I get really really bored I'll bring it back up again. It seems to get my blood and anger flowing as if my mom had died from a (milk related, I'm sure) car accident. Maybe drinking milk makes you driving incapable.

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